WFH, Pink Hair & Motivation

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Working from home is not new but the proportion of people doing so in 2020 IS new.  For some WFH can be a challenging work environment—less inspirational and more mundane than working from the office. 

Feeling energized and excited about your projects is important for ongoing successful performance.  The element that energizes one person may not energize another.  We are all individuals that are motivated differently.

The key is aligning your personal motivation with your workplace culture and dynamics. 

Dying your hair pink or any other shade of the rainbow can be interpreted differently depending on your position and industry.  The key is knowing your audience!

If working in a more conservative culture or department, pink hair can communicate a rogue or immature attitude that is not valued.  Think twice.

If working in a creative industry or department, pink hair signals a fun, trendy and innovative attitude—all valued elements.  Go for it.

Check out Sara Bosworth’s WSJ article .

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