Elizabeth T. Jones
Founder & CEO
Elizabeth T. Jones Founder & CEO
Beth has a fierce passion for professional image and personal branding regardless of career level, age or industry. Beth has more than 20 years of business experience in Fortune 500 corporations, working in marketing and change management. Beth has seen the power of clothes on many levels, from entry-level positions to CEOs.
Code of Clothes merges Beth’s business acumen, branding experience and enthusiasm to help others realize and develop this skill.
In early 2020 (pre-COVID-19) Beth published Code of Clothes, A Modern Guide to Catapult Your Confidence, Credibility and Your Career to help others recognize the power of personal presentation.
Beth earned a BA from Georgetown University, an MBA from Vanderbilt University and attended the University of Sussex through the Study Abroad Program.
Beth lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her patient husband, Casey, three energetic boys, David, Henry & Philip, and a sweet pup, Millie.
In her free time, Beth likes to run; she has completed six full marathons and over ten half-marathons since 2016, including the 2018 & 2019 Boston Marathons.

Decode the Power of Personal Presentation
Code of Clothes is a modern firm dedicated to helping individuals in all stages of their career decode the power of personal presentation.

Express Credibility, Creativity and Commitment
Code of Clothes is borne out of a passionate belief that a person’s appearance expresses credibility, creativity and commitment in the workplace.

For Universities, Corporations and Organizations of All Sizes
Code of Clothes works with universities, corporations and organizations of all sizes to help their students, employees and members hone this overlooked skill.